Témoignages clients


Bruck M. Kimmerle

SPILBRIDGE is one of Rīga’s most long term, internationally minded and focused law firms – for almost 2 decades, yet. Elīna Čakste, since 2008 a partner, studied law at Humboldt University of Berlin (LL.M.) and University of Latvia, Faculty of Law (LL.B and LL.M.), being specialised in both national legal environments. I appreciate her competence and qualifications in real estate issues. She speaks fluently Latvian, of course, but as well German, English, Russian. SPILBRIDGE has outstanding experience in special legal realms regarding the Ventspils region in Kurzeme (Courland), too. Expats, planing activities and investment in Latvia, should not spare the fair costs of legal counsel in order to avoid ever higher risks and losses. SPILBRIDGE is particularly embedded in the British-Latvian and German-Latvian business community

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Robin Poynder

Our Nodinbajums (NFP) has been building a safe house for Ukrainian refugees (www.kipenisafehouse.eu). Daimars and his team have been simply magnificent in their support while we navigated the various legal elements to bring this project to life.

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Trustworthy and experienced lawyers in Riga, have been working with them for years. Honest and professional, will not hide bad news, will remain loyal lawyers in difficult times as well, but will do their utmost to achieve success whenever possible.

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Māris Bremze

I have known these attorneys for quite some time. They have demonstrated excellent reaction time and creativity when dealing with complicated issues. International outlook to issues. Recent efforts in the Latvian Supreme Court resulted in a very helpful judgment.

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Alvis Haze

Saņēmām noderīgu konsultāciju nodokļu jautājumos. Starptautiskā pieredze un biznesa skats uz šiem jautājumiem ir tieši tas, kas mums bija vajadzīgs.
Have received consulting in tax issues. Very helpful and professional attitude. Great specialists in various matters with wide international experience.

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Andreas Hermann Müller

RA Elina Cakste ist die beste Wahl für mich.Ich bin seit 2019 ihr Mandant mit eigener Firma in Riga. Ein sehr spezielles Gebiet im Handel verlangte nach Fingerspitzengefühl und Spezialwissen. Alle von ihr ausgehandelten Verträge sind perfekt. Veträge mit einem ehemlaigen Geschäftspartner konnte ich durch RA Frau Elina Cakste ohne Nachteile für meine Firma auflösen.

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Monta Pērkone

Spilbridge man palīdzēja saistībā ar lietu tiesā. Palīdzēja sagatavoties tiesas procesam, un pēc tam iesaistījās stadijā, kad saskāros ar grūtībām panākt sprieduma izpildi. Efektīva palīdzība, kas palīdzēja sasniegt rezultātu.

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